Meditation for a Magical Life

Suitability   Suitable for All
Teacher   Roseanna Croft 
Date   Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Price 10.00 Per class
Duration   1 hours

FlowMotion.Life is delighted to be offering monthly meditation classes to help you cultivate a state of inner peace and serenity amidst the experiences of life. Each month Roseanna will guide you through a different meditation practice or technique to help calm the mind and bring ease into your body. 

Every 2nd Sunday of the month


Meditation For A Magical Life class will include gentle movement at the beginning to get you out of the busy mind and into the body. Roseanna will then take you through a guided meditation practice with a different theme each month. These practices will have the same ultimate aim - to help you connect to your Self on a deeper level, bringing more peace, love and joy into your life. Life should be magical, and this is what makes life magical. 

Meditation helps to: improve sleep; reduce anxiety, stress and depression; process emotions; and move through life's challenges. It also helps you on a more subtle level to experience life with more fulfilment and purpose. Whether you use meditation for mental health or spiritual growth, creating time in your life to care for your inner world will bring infinite and noticeable benefits to your outer world. 

Repeats? No
Meditation for a Magical Life image