Wild Core Flow Yoga

Suitability   Experienced
Teacher   Wendy Snongjati 
Date   Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 9:45am - 11:00am
Price 9.00 Per class
Email  flowmotionlife@gmail.com
Duration   1 hours, 15 minutes

Wendy’s Wild Core Flow Yoga is a dynamic and challenging flow class suitable for experienced yogis who enjoy a strong class with some challenging poses (arm balancing and possibly inversions!). Wendy will cue you to set your poses from the ground up. You will learn to soften the outer body, deeply root down to the earth through your foundation, connect to your deep core line and your breath and then express the poses and transitions gracefully and safely. The class often includes pranayama (breathing techniques to help you extend/expand your life force), mudras (hand gesture to focus your energy), meditation and relaxation. If you have not practised yoga but you have a strong dance background and you are keen to learn a bit more than just the yoga poses, do please join in.

There is no drop-in option. Please contact Wendy at flowmotionlife@gmail.com to book your place. We recommend block booking the whole month to avoid missing out. Zoom option is available (£8).

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