Holistic Yoga

Suitability   Suitable for All
Teacher   Julie Millward 
Date   Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 11:15am - 12:15pm
Price 7.00 Per class
Email  jules@keystoneyoga.co.uk
Duration   1 hours

In Holistic Yoga classes the whole person is balanced, eased, and nourished through the integration of yoga practices to strengthen the body, the mind, and the heart. Each session is a balance of physical yoga postures, breathwork, relaxation and meditation, leading to improved physical and mental wellbeing. In addition, each week we shall look at ways of maintaining – or improving – the health of your lower back by incorporating a variety of postures to strengthen the relevant muscles, improve posture, and ease the nagging backaches and stiffness so many of us experience.

Holistic Yoga is concerned with more than just the focus on physical postures though, and so we will learn specific breathing practices and other techniques to settle the mind, manage stress, and improve mental clarity, and each class will finish with a period of deep relaxation and meditation. Classes are accessible whether you are new to yoga or have practised before, and neither age nor fitness level matters. We work hard, but don’t take ourselves too seriously, and often go for coffee after the class.

Jules has been practising yoga since 1994, and in 2014 began training to teach with the British Wheel of Yoga, eventually completing her studies with FRYOG (Friends of Yoga) after moving to Matlock in 2016. She has completed training courses in Supporting Pregnant and Postnatal Students (with YogaCampus) and Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga (with Yoga Synergy), and has attended many workshops over the years on subjects as diverse as Ayurveda, Jivamukti, and Inversions. She teaches Holistic Yoga that is deeply rooted in the Hatha tradition and offers improved strength, balance, and flexibility for both body and mind.

Specialises in: Hatha | Holistic Yoga | | Yoga to ease lower back pain

Drop-in price £7 per class. For further details, to book, or if you have any questions, please contact Jules on 0741 305 6364 or email jules@keystoneyoga.co.uk

Repeats?   Repeats Weekly
Holistic Yoga image