Core Yoga for Sports

Suitability   Mixed Ability
Teacher   Wendy Snongjati 
Date   Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Price 8.00 Per class
Duration   1 hours

Core Yoga for Sports is designed to help you improve your posture so you can breathe better, tone your core and keep all your joints healthy and happy. While it is geared towards runners, cyclists, riders and other athletes, all, in good health, are welcome. The class a dynamic flow class suitable for all from complete beginners to experienced yogis. Wendy will offer modifications and variations to suit all levels. The class will focus on setting the poses from the ground up. We will soften our body, get grounded through our foundation to the earth, connect to our deep core and breath before we begin to express the poses gracefully and safely.

There is no drop-in option. Booking is absolutely essential. We recommend block booking for the whole month. Please contact Wendy at to book your place. This class is also available on Zoom (£7). Thank you.

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