Heather Dexter-Crow

Heather qualified with the Yoga Alliance Professionals accredited Pure Light Yoga School at the beginning of 2018. She’s a mum to three very lively boys so it seemed only natural that she volunteered to share her love of yoga with the children at her kids school. Heather was amazed at the difference she saw in the children over the course of a term of weekly lesson - from being fizzy with excitement to being able to sit and meditate in sanskrit! The class teacher noticed a real difference too and reported that children were able to calm themselves and settle quicker in the classroom. Children’s classes always include games and will often include a story. The aim is that the children enjoy themselves while building strength, flexibility and balance.

Heather loves all aspects of yoga including all the challenges it brings. Her classes are informal with a relaxed atmosphere and she encourages any questions from students. She teaches a flowing style which can be strenuous at times but is always offer plenty of modifications to make classes accessible to everyone. She tries to make classes fun, so that students leave feeling happy, relaxed and energized - whatever their age!

image of Heather Dexter-Crow